Integrated Workforce Unique Solution Manpower Pvt Ltd has been established with the objective to provide reliable and standard services to the clients. Integrated Workforce Unique Solution Private Limited is U74999MP2021PTC058853 and registration number is 058853. It has been classified as non-govt Company and is registered under Registrar of Companies Madhya Pradesh India. Currently, the organization provides its overseas service to valued clients from its office premise at national.
Integrated Workforce Unique Solution Manpower Pvt Ltd is India’s leading business services provider, leveraging our extensive domain knowledge and future-ready digital platforms to drive client productivity through outsourced solutions.
We provide a host of technology enabled staffing and managed outsourcing services across processes such as sales & marketing, customer care, after sales service, back office operations, manufacturing operations, facilities and security management, HR & F&A operations, IT & mobility services, etc.
Our passion for delivering exceptional services, augmented by proprietary digital platforms, has strongly established our credentials as India’s largest employer in the private sector and the biggest integrated business services provider in the country. We are proud to achieve this success as 2-year old start-up.